Showing 34 Result(s)

The Impossibility of Form

Image: Courtesy of Tomás Cunha Ferreira Cuchifritos Gallery and Residency Unlimited are pleased to present their eighth annual collaboration, The Impossibility of Form, featuring new work from artists Tomás Cunha Ferreira (Portugal), Tzu Tung Lee (Taiwan), and Kairon Liu (Taiwan). Exploring a diversity of subjects—the status of the art object, political action, social inclusion—Ferreira, Lee and Liu …

Liona R. Nyariri

2018 Residency: September through December Nyariri’s research based practice explores the ways in which language is created both visually and orally, with a specific focus on Pidgin languages that came from formally Anglophone colonized countries. She uses mythology to explore this theme with a strong engagement in oral story telling that forms the base of …

Ayana Evans

My on-going performances/public interventions include: “Operation Catsuit,” “I Just Came Here to Find a Husband,” and a new series of collaborative works with artists of diverse backgrounds. These performances map how my body is perceived and treated as it operates in artistic and social spheres. The collaboration that I recently completed in Accra, Ghana spoke …

Joanna Borkowska

Joanna Borkowska is an abstract painter who since 2008 has devoted herself completely to painting. The source of Borkowska’s inspiration is Nature, which she understands as everything that is, from the molecular to the cosmic, with all its forces and processes. Her practice explores her interest in the beginning and the end of the Universe, …

Natalia Viera

For her residency, Natalia Viera will work with materials from the 1970s-1980s in the archives of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies, focusing on Puerto Rican culture and heritage. The Center, located in upper Manhattan is a research institute dedicated to the study and interpretation of the Puerto Rican experience in the United States, producing …

Whose Language Does the Produce Speak?

See schedule below for programming dates This project is presented by Artists Alliance Inc., FoodCultura, and Institut Ramon Llull, in collaboration with the Center for Book Arts. TEXT IN CATALAN             TEXT IN SPANISH Whose Language Does the Produce Speak? Conversations Between La Boqueria and Essex Street Market is the fruit …

Tomás Cunha Ferreira

“My work combines various supports, in a cross-border and open circuit practice – they function as prototypes, which can take on various stages and states – as reading scores, notations, visual poems, emblems, patterns, paintings, murals, etc. To this extent, each work results in a condensed hybrid figure, whose reading is in constant transition between …

The East Light: Live Streaming Sunrise(set)

On the occasion of the 4th Mardin Biennial 2018 (Mardin, Turkey)175 Delancey Street @ Corner of Clinton & Broome In the global world order perspectives on influence and power cycle through new stages. No longer do we live in a world in which one view point is accessible, instead we are swimming in them. In …

Jorge González

During his residency, González will be expanding on a series of works from Ayacabo Guarocoel, an installation that grows through a series of exchanges, based on readings, conversations, and workshops, for Pacha, Llaqta, Wasichay: Indigenous Space, Modern Architecture, New Art, currently on view at the Whitney Museum of American Art. The works proposed by González …

Embajada 406 Residency

Artists Alliance Inc. (AAI) and Clemente Soto Vélez Cultural & Educational Center (the Clemente), with Embajada, are thrilled to announce a new collaborative residency program dedicated to arts professionals from Puerto Rico. Extending the resources of AAI’s existing LES Studio Program within the Clemente building, this shared initiative includes 6- to 12-month fully-funded studio-based residencies to artists, writers, …