TJ Shin explores the porousness of bodily boundaries and the ceaseless movement of living processes, like fermentation, echoing the history of colonialism. Shin is interested in the history of conquest and the literal digestion of materials – smells, microbes, and food – as a system of relations that emerges from a complicated history of entanglement. Shin has exhibited internationally at Doosan Gallery; Cuchifritos Gallery; Tiger Strikes Asteroid; Knockdown Center; Cody Dock, London, England, among others. Shin recently was an artist-in-residence at Recess in Brooklyn, a Visiting Artist Fellow at UrbanGlass in Brooklyn, Col(LAB) artist-in-residence at Princeton University in New Jersey, and Wave Hill’s 2020 artist-in-residence for Winter Workspace program. Shin is a 2020 New York Community Trust Van Lier Fellow.
The LES Studio Program is supported in part by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council and by public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.